Annual Scholarship

About the Contest:

Welcome to the Annual Young Planet Leaders Contest offered by Young Planet Leaders. This contest is designed to celebrate the passion, innovation, and commitment of young leaders who are driving positive change for our planet. 

Each year, our organization will award one previously featured Young Planet Leader with a $2,500 USD donation to continue their important work towards healing the planet. This contest is dedicated to recognizing and supporting one leader who is taking truly remarkable steps to address climate change and promote environmental sustainability. 


  • One outstanding Young Planet Leader will be awarded $2,500 USD to further their project or support the projects/organizations they are involved with. 

Contest Rules:

  1. Eligibility: Open to all previously featured Young Planet Leaders who are actively engaged in environmental, sustainability or other worthy initiatives.
  2. Application Deadline: Submissions must be received by 11/30/2024
  3. Submission Requirements:
  4. Provide your full name, location, contact information, date of birth, and when you were featured as a Young Planet Leader. 
  5. Provide a detailed description (500-800 words) of your project/organization or the projects/organizations you are involved with, including goals, impact, and achievements. 
  6. Provide a clear and detailed plan outlining how you will utilize the $2,500 awarded funds to further your project or support the initiatives you are engaged in. This can be in the form of an essay or a spreadsheet. 
  7. Selection Process: Entries will be evaluated by our contest board based on the applicant’s commitment to environmental sustainability or another meaningful cause, the potential impact of their project or initiatives, the clarity of their vision as it relates to use of awarded funds, and their demonstrated leadership and accomplishments in the field.
  8. Award Notification: The awardee will be notified via email within one month and announced on our website and social media channels.
  9. Prize Disbursement: The $2,500 prize will be disbursed directly to the winner, their organization, or their legal guardians to be used exclusively for the purpose outlined in their application.

How to Apply:

To apply for the Annual Young Planet Leaders Contest, please email the requested information to [email protected] before the deadline. We look forward to your application!

Join us in recognizing and supporting the next generation’s outstanding young planet leaders. Together, let’s make a positive impact on our planet’s future!

Rights and Permissions: By submitting an application, applicants grant permission for their materials to be used for promotional purposes related to the contest and the organization. For inquiries or more information, please contact [email protected].

All terms of this contest may be changed and or modified in the absolute and sole discretion of Heal The Planet 

without further notice and all contest awardees will be picked in the absolute and sole discretion of Heal The Planet.   

Terms and Conditions: By accepting the contest award, recipients agree to comply with all terms and conditions set forth by the contest provider. This includes using the funds in the manner detailed by the applicant in their submission. 

Privacy Policy: The contest provider is committed to protecting the privacy of applicants’ personal information. Any sensitive, personal information collected as part of the application process will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating contest applications and administering the scholarship program. Sensitive, personal information will not be shared with third parties without the applicant’s consent, except as required by law.

Disclaimers: The contest  provider assumes no responsibility for lost, late, incomplete, or misdirected applications, or for any technical or human error that may occur in the administration of the scholarship program. The contest provider reserves the right to modify or cancel the contest program at any time, for any reason, without prior notice.

Governing Law: This scholarship program is governed by the laws of the United States of America. Any disputes arising from or relating to the scholarship program shall be resolved exclusively in the courts of the United States of America.