November 2021 Young Planet Leader – Apurva Iyengar

Apurva Iyengar is an 18-year-old changemaker working to create unity in the Gen Z environmental movement. She is the founder of Youth.ify, an organization with the goal of unifying the youth environmental movement by giving otherwise isolated young environmentalists a platform & resources to connect, collaborate and support one another.
After completing high school, Apurva spent a gap year working full-time on Youth.ify & other projects before joining the Tufts University Class of ’25, where she is pursuing a degree in Environmental Science & Engineering Science.
In 2020 & 2021, Apurva was a Squad Leader at the Ocean Heroes Bootcamp. She is also an alumnus of the EarthEcho International Youth Leadership Council, has served as a 2019 Youth Delegate at Sea Youth Rise Up, and has worked with Big Blue & You to inspire and educate youth about our ocean through arts, science & media. Most recently, she was a recipient of the Stay Stoked Award from Algalita’s Wayfinder program.
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